Tuesday, June 9, 2009

and also, you're invited to debate happy hour

Seattle Debate Foundation Debater Happy Hour: Enjoy good company while supporting a great cause.

The first SDF Debater Happy Hour is set for the Solo Bar in Queen Anne.June 9th at 7pm. Here's a review:http://seattle.metblogs.com/2007/05/10/better-late-than-alone-solo-on-queen-anne/We are bringing together former debaters, coaches and others to the SOLO BAR for anevening of networking and nostalgia. For this first event, we hope to attract formerhighschool and college debaters alumni as well as some pretty cool non-debaters who believe in SDF's mission. If you have friends or acquaintances who want to network,bring them. The more the merrier. Feel free to circulate en masse as you wish.

DATE:TODAY! 7pm-9pm
PLACE: Solo Bar
AT THE DOOR: Tell them you're here for the SDF happy hour. There is no door charge. The Solo Bar has agreed to donate a portion of the bar tab for our guests to SDF at the end of the night. Help out a good cause by showing up and having a goodtime.


k8 said...

why do i find myself cringing slightly at the thought of spending an evening in a room full of debaters?

oh, right. because i am poetry.

Gretzky said...

You would be AWESOME, I know it!

k8 said...

hmmm...nope. still cringing.