Saturday, March 22, 2008

"What are we having besides lamb" - Gretzky

"Well, we've also got a ham." - Dad

"He means a turkey." - Mom

Some things never change, and this is why it's good to visit home sometimes. My dad will always yell up the stairs if there's a phone call, "Daughter! The phone's for you." He's got this great deep booming voice, and you can hear it even if you're upstairs in the back with the door closed.

Also, he will always think that if I'm asking about the food we're serving tomorrow at Easter dinner, I must of course be talking about the meat. And then, while Mom and I go shopping to get the asparagus, he will also go to the store to get asparagus since he forgot.

I'm sure this says something profound about our family's communication style, but I'm not sure what yet.

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