Thursday, February 7, 2008

"do you think I could find a guy like Wendell Berry?" - Kait

Wendell Berry's been an author crush for a while. I like hanging out with folks who read him. The poems, especially.

I wonder what Berry thinks of this new economic plan to jumpstart the economy. As if it's a car whose battery needs to be replaced. And spending will of course make everything better.

My dad, whom I love dearly but with whom I do not discuss politics for fear one of us will have a heart attack, actually asked the other day what the heck Bush was thinking. He said James Madison would be rolling over in his grave in horror if it actually got passed.

1 comment:

Ingrid said...

Me too?

I think the problem is that the few guys who will turn out like Wendell Berry don't usually get there until they are 40 or 50. :)