Wednesday, February 6, 2008

"i'm into checking out, not checking in." - the C

Today I had a meeting that was actually productive. I was worried at first, but it actually turned out to be good, and I left feeling like it was a good use of my time.

Here's why:

1) At the beginning of the meeting we talked about how the last meeting sucked and what we needed to do to make it better. (We did not use the word sucked. We were very polite.)

2) We put up all possible topics for consideration, gave them time limits, and stuck to them. And we crossed them off as we went. There's something gorgeous about crossing things off, let me tell you.

3) We took a break and stretched.

4) We figured out some more about who's supposed to be doing what. (i.e.: Gretzky had a revelation about what her job entails and how she's supposed to do it.)

I don't really think this is replicable, but it was good enough for today.

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