Wednesday, January 16, 2008

"I want some fucking romance." - E, last Wednesday

I don’t have any resolutions this year, but I do have a couple goals. One of them is simple enough. I want a kiss. A good one. Not from a moron or some random guy. Someone good. And let's be honest, it’d be nice if it were before December.

I might make t-shirts. Green, with the above quote in nice, fancy calligraphy script you can only read if you're standing at most a foot away. It might be a good advertisement. It also could go horribly, but you never know until you try.


Anonymous said...

You know, GB, there's always! Also, I should vouch for an occasion random guy kiss. It's not so bad. No commitment and you learn some new skills. Think of it like drop in tutoring.

LKT said...

Also, something to think about: Kisses from non-moron, non-random guys do not tend to come in single-servings. As in, if you get one good one, more are likely on their way....